Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Second Current Event

Cet article est de la popularite croissante de maisons de bois en France. Le ventes sont sur 50% depuis 2000. Owners benefit from an average 30% saving on their electricity bills due to the fact that wood naturally insulates, and many people think these houses blend more easily into a natural landscape. However, these homes cost 15-30% more than traditional homes because the wood is mostly imported. Still, 20% of manufacturers say that they would consider using wood for construction.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

First Current Event

This article is about the president of Walt Disney Studios, Richard Cook. After 7 years as president and 38 years with the company, he has just announced his resignation. This may be because of the fact that some of the company's recent films have had poor sales. His abrupt departure could mean disaster for the possible fourth Pirates of the Caribbean film-which has already lost many of the previous main characters. John Lasseter of Pixar, Kevin Feige of Marvel, and Stacey Snider (co-president of Dreamworks) are all possible candidates for the replacement of his position.

Friday, September 18, 2009

C'est Moi

Je m'appelle Veronica Beck. J'ai quinze ans. J'habite a East Norriton. J'ai un pere, une mere, et quatre chats. Je parle anglais et un peu francais. J'aime ecouter la radio, regarder la tele, et aller au cinema avec mes copines. Je suis grande et brune. Je suis intelligente et une bonne etudiante. Je suis ambitieuse, heureuse, imaginative, et timide. Je ne suis pas sportive, injuste, ennuyeuse, et triste.

J'aime ecouter la musique, regarder la tele, faire une promenade, et aller au cinema avec mes copines. Je n'aime pas faire mes deviors, faire la vaisselle, faire la cuisine, et courir.